

Now AKB48 is in double bind situation regarding China and Taiwan. Now SNH48 group is independent from AKB48 group, so they have nothing to do with AKB48’s problem.


AKB48 10th general election is broadcasted on Tencent Live just as last year. I didn’t watch on live but I watched the movie of ‘World48 (WRD48)’ dancing ‘Koi Suru Fortune Cookie’. ‘WRD48’ is consisted of AKB48, BNK48 and TPE48 members.


The most important point is the introduction movie of WRD48.

TPE48は「TAIWAN TAIPEI」とあり中国側からすると政治的に間違っている。国際機関で認められた名称は「CHINESE TAIPEI」で、AKB48運営は「TAIWAN」を国家と認めていると取られかねない。

The picture says ‘TAIWAN TAIPEI’ while, as you know, Taipei is supposed to be called ‘Chinese Taipei’ in the international events such as Olympic games. AKB48 intentionally uses ‘TAIWAN TAIPEI’ instead of ‘Chinese Taipei’, this wording might cause unnecessary misunderstanding to people in mainland China, for example, AKB48 agrees with Taiwan independence.


But, let’s see another picture.


Mainland Chinese AKB48 fans comments on this second picture saying ‘a good picture’.


That’s because Taiwan is clearly part of People’s Republic of China on this picture with the same blue color.


I’m afraid few Japanese noticed this picture clearly says Taiwan is part of PRC.

この二枚の画像だけで、AKB48運営がすでに中国(AKB48 TEAMSH)と台湾(TPE48)の「股裂き」状態にあることがよく分かる。

Only these two pictures show that AKB48 is already in double bind situation between its sister groups AKB48 TeamSH and TPE48. AKB48 TeamSH is the second try of AKB48 to establish a sister group in mainland China after SNH48 became independent from AKB48 in Jun, 2016. ‘SH’ of AKB48 TeamSH stands for Shanghai.

つまり、TPE48ファンには国際基準と違う「TAIWAN TAIPEI」のような表現で、台湾が「CHINA」でないことを示す必要がある。

AKB48 has to say to Taiwanese fans that Taiwan is not part of PRC with wording ‘Taiwan Taipei’, which isn’t an international standard.

一方、AKB48 TEAMSHファンには台湾を中国の一部だと地図などで示す必要がある。

On the other hand, AKB48 has to say to AKB48 TeamSH fans in mainland China that Taiwan is part of PRC by including Taiwan in PRC map just like the picture above.

たとえば今回の『恋するフォーチュンクッキー』の中国語詞にある「正妹(かわいい子)」は台湾独特の中国語であり、中国大陸ではほぼ使わない。仮にこの歌詞をAKB48 TEAMSHが歌ったら中国のファンが大ブーイングになる。

For example, this time WRD48 sang ‘Koi Suru Fortune Cookie’ with a Chinese word ‘正妹 zheng mei’ that means cute girl. But this vocabulary is basically used only in Taiwan and people in mainland China don’t use it.

If AKB48 TeamSH uses this translation, their fans in mainland China might got angry by saying “Why do you use Taiwanese vocabulary intentionally?”

SNH48設立当時はTPE48はまだ存在しなかったが、今はTPE48とAKB48 TEAMSHが併存してしまっている(TEAMSHのオーディションはすでに二次選考に進んでいる)。そのためAKB48運営は否応なしに「股裂き」状態になる。

When SNH48 was established in 2012, TPE48 didn’t exist yet. However, now both of AKB48 TeamSH in mainland and TPE48 in Taiwan exist. This already result in an inevitable double bind situation of AKB48.


In addition, let’s think about how TPE48 members of WRD48 are picked.


I suppose it must be based on fans vote, however you don’t forget that TPE48 has one member from Hong Kong special administrative district of PRC, who didn’t participate in WRD48 this time.

AKB48運営は以下の2点で、AKB48 TEAMSHが中国で活躍する「足かせ」をすでに抱えている。

These facts mean that AKB48’s second try in mainland China already has the following two burdens.


– Is Taiwan independent from PRC?
– Why does TPE48 have a member from Hong Kong special administrative district of PRC?


SNH48 group has both members born in Taiwan and a member from Hong Kong (recently retired to continue studying in the college) and this situation doesn’t cause any trouble to SNH48 because SNH48 is now completely on PRC government side and PRC regards Taiwan and Hong Kong as part of it.


The official view of Japanese government is that Taiwan is not independent from PRC, however most of ordinary Japanese regard Taiwan as independent from PRC.

仮にAKB48運営がTEAMSHとTPE48が同席するイベントで、資料映像にせよ何にせよ青天白日旗を一瞬でも出したらAKB48 TEAMSHは即刻おしまいになる。

If AKB48 management made a small mistake, for example showing Blue Sky with a White Sun flag on the background movie just for a few milliseconds when AKB48 TeamSH and TPE48 stand on the same stage in Japan, then AKB48 TeamSH will be instantly terminated in mainland China.


AKB48 is already in double bind situation with TPE48 and AKB48 TeamSH. How will AKB48 survive this politically difficult situation from now on? If AKB48 TeamSH and TPE48 participate in the general election next year, let’s see what will happen.